EU China negotiations over EV import tariffs nears end

(Credit: Tesla Asia/X)

The European Union (EU) and China have been negotiation over Europe’s imposed import tariffs on Chinese-made electric vehicles (EVs). A Chair of the trade committee in the European Parliament recently hinted that the EU and China are close to reaching an agreement, marking the end of negotiations. 

“We are close to an agreement: China could commit to offering e-cars in the EU at a minimum price. This would eliminate that distortion of competition through unfair subsidies, which is why the tariffs were originally introduced,” Bernd Lange told German broadcaster n-tv

The European Union’s imposed additional import tariffs as high as 45.3% on China-made EVs on October 30, 2024. However the EU has still been discussing a potential compromise with China that would benefit both parties. 

Despite ongoing negotiations with EU, the Chinese government has initiated investigations on European imports into China, specifically on liquor and dairy products. The investigations were initiated after the European Commission’s released the results of its anti-subsidy probe on Chinese EV imports. China has also filed complaints with the World Trade Organization (WTO) against the EU and Canada’s EV tariffs.

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Maria Merano: Veteran writer and editor, who believes harmony between tech and nature is achievable. We just need to learn to compromise.
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