Electric Jen

Recruiting for Tesla Destination Charging Locations

Back in November of last year, I had a clear mission: Find independently owned restaurants that appear to own and operate…

Book Review of ‘Owning Model S’ 2nd Edition

Owning Model S is exactly what it sounds like: a complete book that breaks down everything a potential Tesla owner…

Testing v7.1 Autosteer Speed Limit Restrictions (Video)

The latest Tesla Model S software update surprised some owners with a quiet release on Saturday. With this update, autopilot…

How To Use the Tesla Auto Summoning Feature (Video Demo)

By now you've hopefully seen video demonstrations of Tesla's 'summoning' feature released in v7.1. Here's how to use it: With the car…

Review: Cargo Cover for Transporting Pets in the Model S

Weeks before delivery of our beloved red Model S with black leather interior, it dawned on me that our dog is…

What Should I Set My Tesla TACC Following Distance To?

There is at least one very personal setting involved in the use of Tesla's Traffic Aware Cruise Control (TACC), and that…

Year In Review: 12 months of Tesla ownership

A year ago this month, my husband and I picked up our brand new Model S after a 108 day…

Tesla Autopilot Limitations: Heavy Rain

Autopilot makes a great traffic companion, even when heavy traffic is caused by a little rain. But what happens when a…

Mileage on a Tesla is a Badge of Honor

When my husband told me that his meeting in out of state last week was postponed, I was a little…

Giving Thanks to the Tesla Village

They say it takes a village to raise a child. I say it takes a village to raise a young…

Tesla Autopilot – Improvements in Safety Features

Today while driving on the highway at a moderate 45 mph, the car in front of me suddenly stopped. I…

How Does Autopilot React to Disappearing Lane Markings?

Autopilot has now been live for over a month. Some 40,000 Autopilot-enabled Teslas are currently on the road and combine…

Why Having a Tesla Makes Errands Fun

Only a Tesla can inspire me to get to the gym and voluntarily go buy the extra soft toilet paper…

What Tesla Slacker Internet Radio Means to Me

In this great write up, Rob M. explains the inclusion of Slacker Radio in the Tesla's entertainment system. Like him, I…

Tesla Autopilot is the Perfect Traffic Companion

I don't know about you but despite my own personal experiences telling me otherwise, I'm still not 100% comfortable with…

Unseen Tidbits Behind Tesla Autopark

The one feature of the much-anticipated Autopilot update that perhaps gets the least attention is Autopark. If you live in NYC…

Ignoring Tesla Autopilot Warnings – What Happens?

During Tesla's third-quarter earnings call, Elon announced that the company will be looking into putting “some additional constraints” on the Autopilot system in…

Where to place your hands when Tesla Autopilot is engaged

  By now, we've seen plenty of videos and pictures of Autopilot-enabled Teslas cruising around. In some cases, drivers are…