Tesla Model S

Performance Gains after P85D Ludicrous Mode Upgrade

TMC member thimel recently had the Ludicrous mode upgrade installed on his Model S P85D. He carefully measured the performance…

ROEV Charging Network No Match For Tesla Superchargers

BMW and Nissan are joining the ROEV partnership to bring reliable charging service to their customers, but their network is…

Tesla Model S P90D Ludicrous vs Ford GT Drag Race

Just when you thought you've seen enough Tesla drag racing videos of the Insane P85D smashing just about every exotic…

Giving Thanks to the Tesla Village

They say it takes a village to raise a child. I say it takes a village to raise a young…

Tesla Autopilot – Improvements in Safety Features

Today while driving on the highway at a moderate 45 mph, the car in front of me suddenly stopped. I…

Tesla Checking Seat Belts At Supercharger Locations

Tesla is sending service representatives to check that the seat belts are installed correctly on cars that are waiting to…

How to DIY Check for the Tesla Seat Belt Recall

Tesla Service Centers didn't waste anytime inspecting Model S front seat belts after the company announced a worldwide voluntary recall on…

How Does Autopilot React to Disappearing Lane Markings?

Autopilot has now been live for over a month. Some 40,000 Autopilot-enabled Teslas are currently on the road and combine…

Tesla Owners Vote on 7.1 Features & Enhancements

How it all started... About three weeks ago, a user over on the Tesla Motors Club forum created a very…

Why Having a Tesla Makes Errands Fun

Only a Tesla can inspire me to get to the gym and voluntarily go buy the extra soft toilet paper…

Tesla Model S Drive Unit Replacement by the Numbers

During my early days of researching the Tesla Model S, I had concerns about a number of things that were…

What Tesla Slacker Internet Radio Means to Me

In this great write up, Rob M. explains the inclusion of Slacker Radio in the Tesla's entertainment system. Like him, I…

Tesla Autopilot is the Perfect Traffic Companion

I don't know about you but despite my own personal experiences telling me otherwise, I'm still not 100% comfortable with…

Tesla Model S Wins Australian COTY Award

The Tesla Model S has won the Car Of The Year award in Australia. It was also named Best Green…

Unseen Tidbits Behind Tesla Autopark

The one feature of the much-anticipated Autopilot update that perhaps gets the least attention is Autopark. If you live in NYC…

Bjørn Nyland Rallies for Tesla Firmware 7.1 Updates

Bjorn Nyland has suggestions for improvements to the instrument display in Tesla's 7.0 firmware. He likes the old screen better…

Dangerous Tesla Autopilot Stunt Caught on Dutch Highway

An updated Tesla Autopilot 1.01 couldn't come soon enough especially as we continue to witness dangerous stunts performed by their absent…

Police Respond to Report of Child in Tesla Rear Facing Seats

One Model S owner has an odd run-in with the law when police respond to a report of a child being…

Model 3 Mentioned in New Tesla Referral Program

Tesla has begun a second referral program like the one that ended October 31. This one runs until December 31…

Ignoring Tesla Autopilot Warnings – What Happens?

During Tesla's third-quarter earnings call, Elon announced that the company will be looking into putting “some additional constraints” on the Autopilot system in…