
SpaceX Shows Off Crew Dragon Capsule Hover Test

SpaceX is working on a landing system that will use rockets instead of parachutes to return capsules to earth. It…

First Look at a Tesla Model X Being ‘Summoned’ (Video)

Tesla Firmware 7.1 has made its way to Model X owners giving them the ability to summon their heavyweight crossover,…

Early Video of Model X Falcon Doors with Test Equipment

A video has surfaced on YouTube that shows a prototype version of the Model X undergoing what appears to be a…

Tesla Autopilot Perpendicular Parking Demo

Some Model S owners may share my curiosity about just how accurate the ultrasonic sensors and software are on the…

Pro Skateboarder Performs Tesla Autopark ‘Stunt’

Just when you thought you've seen the last of the Tesla Autopilot 'stunts', professional skateboarder Mike Mo Capaldi pulls off his…

Automatic Charging, More Sensors Key to Tesla Summon

Elon Musk told reporters on Sunday that some version of the automatic charging cable will be added to SuperCharger locations…

How Does Tesla ‘Perpendicular Parking’ Work?

Tesla continues to improve upon its suite of Autopilot features with the latest being the addition of Perpendicular Parking which extends…

Testing v7.1 Autosteer Speed Limit Restrictions (Video)

The latest Tesla Model S software update surprised some owners with a quiet release on Saturday. With this update, autopilot…

How To Use the Tesla Auto Summoning Feature (Video Demo)

By now you've hopefully seen video demonstrations of Tesla's 'summoning' feature released in v7.1. Here's how to use it: With the car…

Video Overview of Tesla Summon Firmware 7.1 in Action

Autopilot just got better with the new Tesla Summon feature that allows owners to park their cars from outside of the…

Iron Man Director Talks Model X on Jimmy Kimmel Live

The Tesla Model X just got another free publicity boost, this time from famed Iron Man director and personal friend…

NVIDIA Debuts ‘Superchip’ Aimed at Self-Driving Cars

NVIDIA unveiled its Drive PX2 supercomputer at the 2016 Consumer Electronics Show in Las Vegas. It has the computing power…

[Podcast] What it might take to make a 1000 mi battery

Why don't we see a 1000 mi battery? As an electric vehicle (EV) owner, or someone that's looking to transition into…

How To Build an Ultrasonic Tesla Garage Parking Sensor

Credits: This story was originally published on ch00ftech and reprinted with written permission from the site owner. All media provided by…

Tesla Model X Range Impact When Towing

The Model X is a great tow vehicle -- quiet, comfortable, and powerful. But its range is severely reduced when…

What happens when you completely run out of battery in your Tesla Model S?

Updated Jan 2, 2016: Since this story was originally published, there's been several Tesla firmware updates that presumably have altered the…

Tesla Model S Burns Down at Supercharger in Norway

  Shortly after 2:30pm local time on Friday, firefighters were dispatched to a Tesla Model S that caught fire while fast-charging at the…

Tesla Celebrates Christmas with Model X Santa Claus Sleigh

The holiday cheer continues this Christmas at Tesla as made evident in the latest video coming out of the Fremont factory.…

Tesla Model X Puts on a Holiday Light Show

After completing another year of great successes at Tesla, with the most recent being the launch of its long-awaited electric crossover…

SpaceX Completes Historic Rocket Landing

SpaceX successfully landed the first stage of its Falcon 9 rocket on land December 21 after a mission that put…