IF Metall

Tesla Sweden strike spreads as IF Metall seeks support across Europe & the US

IF Metall's strike against Tesla Sweden might spread as the Swedish union seeks support across Europe and the United States.…

IF Metall head speaks out about Tesla Sweden strike

The head of the IF Metall union in Sweden, Marie Nilsson, sat in an exclusive interview and talked about the…

Tesla Sweden sues against Transport Agency

Tesla Sweden is suing the Swedish Transport Agency for failing to provide the automaker with license plates, reported local media. “This…

Tesla Sweden feels more pressure as IF Metall pulls out trump card

The end of the Tesla Sweden strike might be in sight as IF Metall pulls out a trump card that…

Tesla Sweden gets orders from Elon Musk

The conflict between Tesla Sweden and IF Metall appears to have hit a roadblock as discussions have been taken off…

Tesla Sweden sheds light on impact of IF Metall strike

Tesla Sweden sent letters directly to owners in the country, shedding some light on the impact of IF Metall’s strike…

Tesla Sweden employees offered payment to join the IF Metall strike

IF Metall is offering Tesla Sweden employees payment to join the union’s strike. The Tesla Sweden strike is in its third…

Tesla gets strike notice from IF Metall in Sweden

Tesla might get a strike notice from Swedish company IF Metall if the EV automaker doesn't sign a collective agreement.…