Everything about a Tesla showroom, from the clean and modern design to the relaxed lounge-like atmosphere, is intended to make the car buying experience enjoyable. Strategically placed small tables and high stools invite passersby to come sit, relax and often daydream about owning the Tesla that’s been conveniently placed in the center of the gallery showroom.
The design philosophy is so inspirational that one Model S owner decided to bring this experience into his own home by recreating a Tesla gallery inside his garage. Model S owner Erik, and man behind the Tesla inventory search app, went as far as purchasing paint in the same Tesla red color after locating the paint code (2087-10) online. Erik also indicated that he purchased the same table-chair combination used across Tesla galleries, further adding to the authenticity of his private showroom.
Using MDF board as the the material for creating the floating “TESLA”, Erik painstakingly cut and sanded each letter to form the full logo. Each letter was then attached to the newly painted Tesla red wall.
Watch the entire video posted below and see Erik’s personal Tesla gallery come to life. It’s nothing short of amazing.