Tesla’s upcoming battery cell production facility in Germany, which will be built within the Gigafactory Berlin complex, will likely result in 10,000 more jobs in the state, according to estimates. This should help make Tesla’s presence in Germany even more attractive for job-seekers, especially considering that the electric car maker has made it a point that it is willing to hire even those without prior background or training.
Earlier this week, Elon Musk announced at the European Battery Conference that Tesla would be building a battery cell production facility in Germany. The upcoming plant will have a total annual capacity of 100 GWh, Musk noted, though this figure could later grow into a much more impressive 250 GWh per year. Yet even in its initial iteration, Giga Berlin’s battery plant would already be among the largest in the world.
Little is known about the project apart from the CEO’s announcements. As noted by the Brandenburg Ministry of the Environment on Friday, Tesla has filed no building applications for Giga Berlin’s battery facility. No preliminary discussions about Musk’s new announcement have also taken place. Nevertheless, the updates from the electric car maker seem well within the company’s character, which is known for its quick course corrections and optimizations.
While Tesla has provided no additional details on its plans for Gigafactory Berlin’s battery plant, the Fraunhofer Institute for Systems and Innovation Research in Karlsruhe has analyzed the battery market to provide an estimate about the upcoming facility’s workforce. According to the institute, about 40 workers are required for each gigawatt-hour of battery power in battery cell production, as per a report from the Berliner Kurier.
Considering that the Brandenburg battery plant would be producing 100 GWh to 250 GWh worth of batteries per year, the facility may require 4,000 employees initially, then ramp to 10,000 workers when it reaches its optimum annual capacity. Interestingly enough, the Federal Minister of Economics has also hinted at 10,000 jobs being generated by the initiative.
Tesla’s Germany-based operations will start at a time when the region is seeing a number of job cuts due in no small part to the ongoing pandemic. Among skilled workers in technical professions, the chambers of industry and commerce in both Berlin and Brandenburg are forecasting a shortage of 31,000 workers next year. Fortunately for Tesla, the company does have the advantage of being an attractive employer, thanks in part to its character and products, as well as its generous basic compensation package, which pays 2,700 euros per month to workers without education and who were unemployed at the time of their application.