There are fewer things scarier on the road than road rage. Unfortunately, road rage is all too common, with the AAA Foundation for Traffic Safety stating that aggressive driving is a factor in 54% of fatal motor vehicle crashes.
Unfortunately for a Tesla Model 3 owner, he ended up experiencing a rather extreme case of road rage while driving on a freeway in California. A video of the incident, which was posted by YouTube’s Wham Baam Teslacam channel, featured the incident in its entirety.
The incident involved Danny, a driver of a Tesla Model 3, who was driving in an express lane until he came upon a truck that was traveling at just about 50 miles per hour. The Tesla driver changed lanes to pass the truck before merging back. A look at the Tesla dashcam video showed a Honda Fit seemingly accelerating as the Model 3 was merging back into the express lane.
The Model 3 owner did not really mind the Honda Fit anymore after that, but the driver of the hatchback seemed extremely upset about the turn of events. As could be seen in the video, the Honda driver eventually caught up and cut off the Model 3, brake checking the all-electric sedan several times. At one time, the Honda brake checked the Tesla to such a degree that the two vehicles almost stopped.
As the Tesla owner tried to get out of the situation, the Model 3 lined up with the Honda Fit. And it was at this point that the driver of the Honda, with windows down, threw a baseball bat at the Tesla. The bat fortunately did not hit a passenger window, but it still damaged the car. The Model 3 owner then rushed to the nearest police station, and the Teslacam footage was eventually used as evidence.
Apart from the $600 repair bill that the Model 3 driver ended up paying due to the incident, the road raging driver also ended up creating a serious hazard on the road. Random baseball bats on freeway could be extremely dangerous, after all, especially for bikes that are driving in the area at night.
Watch the incident unfold in the video below.
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