elon musk model 3

Elon Musk expresses gratitude for Tesla supporters, intends “to do right by the loyalty you’ve shown us”

Delivering a heartfelt presentation at the Model 3 release party, Elon Musk repeatedly expressed his and Tesla’s immense appreciation of the loyalty given to the company by its many fans.

He specifically thanked those who purchased the Model S, Model X, and Roadster for making the Model 3 possible, while also giving a shout-out to the many fans who waited for hours or even days before placing a reservation. Musk said that the team at Tesla would enter “manufacturing hell” over the next six to nine months as they attempt to ramp up production of the vehicle, hoping to reach a volume of 20,000 a month by the end of 2017.

With an audience largely consisting of Tesla employees, there was an air of excitement to be part of the historic event.

While rather short on specific details many hoped for, today marks the beginning of customers taking their Model 3s home. While only 30 vehicles have been released thus far, that number should rise rapidly into the tens of thousands by the end of the year. Soon to come will be the first publicized customer opinions of the vehicles, so keep your eyes peeled.

Elon Musk expresses gratitude for Tesla supporters, intends “to do right by the loyalty you’ve shown us”
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