X today offers far more features than Twitter before Musk took over the company last October. Since taking over the social media platform, Musk has pushed the X team to release and revise features in rapid succession. Despite this, X is nowhere close to being done, as it is only a few steps into its journey towards becoming an “everything app.”
Being an “everything app” means that X must include practical features such as audio and video calling. Such a feature would be especially useful, and it could go a long way towards making X into a multi-use service. It could, if any, provide users with a convenient tool to connect with people across the globe.
Elon Musk recently announced a number of key advantages that will be offered by X’s audio and video calling feature. Musk noted that X’s audio and video calls would work on iOS and Android mobile devices, as well as Macs & PCs. It would also not require a phone number. Most importantly, X’s user base itself would be the service’s address book. Musk highlighted that these advantages are unique to X.
X’s recent updates suggest that Elon Musk is taking aim at some of the industry’s biggest players. X has rolled out a rather generous ad revenue sharing program to help encourage creators to publish their work, such as podcasts and video uploads, on the platform. Such features seemed to take aim at giants like YouTube, which is the go-to service to access video content.
With this in mind, X’s audio and video calling features seem to be aimed at services like WhatsApp and Viber, which are ubiquitously used today. If X’s audio and video calling feature is well received, it could become an important player in the cross-platform messaging segment.
X seems to have been working on its audio and video calling feature for some time now, and based on posts from the company’s employees, it appears that the service is now being tested. Earlier this month alone, X designer Andrea Conway noted that she “just called someone on X.” The post was accompanied by several “mind-blown” emojis, hinting at the designer’s excitement for the upcoming feature.
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