Elon Musk said that he hopes for peace and respect between the U.S. and China. His answer was in response to a question asked by a Tesla shareholder at Tesla’s Annual Shareholder Meeting.
One of the questions asked by Tesla shareholders via Say.com and upvoted was how is Tesla viewing the geopolitical risk between the U.S. and China. Recently, U.S. Speaker of the House of Representatives, Nancy Pelosi, took a trip to Taiwan and China isn’t taking this too well.
Her visit has already affected Contemporary Amperex Technology Co. Ltd (CATL) which delayed its North American battery factory plans until September or October.
Elon Musk hopes for peace and respect between the U.S. & China.
When he first saw the question, Elon jokingly asked,
“Now what could possibly go wrong in answering this question?”
Tesla’s factory in China is its largest export hub and China has been very supportive of Tesla’s ambitions in the nation. However, China and the U.S. are having a bit of tension as of late. While I personally don’t agree with China’s stance on a lot of things, I understand that Elon Musk and Tesla asked a very loaded question.
“Let me just say that I hope for peace and respect.”
One of the attendees advised Elon to move to the next question which I think was wise.
After all, he is Elon Musk and all too often, his words get twisted by those with their own agendas and narratives to spin.
Peace and Respect are important.
I’m adding my thoughts on this and I agree that peace and respect are important. I also think that this drama between the two nations (and yes, I feel it’s drama) hurts both nations and the people of these nations more than it does the leaders or their own egos.
At the end of the day, we all have to live our lives and these political tensions affect how we live our lives. War is, in my opinion, unnecessary and harmful. Like Elon, I too, hope for peace and respect.
Disclaimer: Johnna is long Tesla.
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