The Tesla Model 3 is the most popular luxury car model according to an analysis by LendingTree, which noted that San Jose, California has the most luxury vehicles. The study echoes the recent news that the Tesla Model 3 and Model Y are both best sellers in California’s auto market.
Tesla Model 3 most popular luxury car model.
LendingTree analyzed auto loan inquiries made on its platform between July 2020 and June 2022 and was able to find the most popular luxury car brands along with the cities and states with the most luxury vehicles. Some of the key findings include:
The Tesla Model 3 accounted for 6.6% of luxury vehicle queries while the BMW 3 series ranked 4.3%.
- BMWs are the most popular car make but Tesla is not that far behind. BMWs made up 17.5% of the auto loan queries while Tesla made up 14.4%.
San Jose, CA ranked as the city with the most luxury vehicles with almost 4 out of 10 (39.5) of its auto loan inquiries being luxury vehicles.
Following San, Jose, San Francisco has the second highest percentage of loan queries for luxury vehicles.
Tesla is more popular in larger cities
Although BMW is the leading brand for luxury auto loan inquiries, Tesla is leading in top cities and states. Following BMW and Tesla are Mercedes-Benz, Audi, Lexus, and Cadillac.
Tesla is the most popular in California and many of its large cities, Nevada, Utah, Hawaii, and two cities in Texas. Tesla’s vehicles are also more popular overall.
The graph below shows that both the Tesla Model 3 and Model Y have the highest percentages of all luxury car inquirieis.
The District of Columbia ranks the highest for luxury auto loan inquiries with 35.5% of all inquiries. However, The District of Columbia is also included as a state and a metro with different results.
The metro rankings include inquiries made in the outlying areas and the state rankings are confined to borders.
According to LendingTree’s autos expert, Jenn Jones, it’s not surprising that cities in California have the highest rank.
“California itself has the largest car market in the U.S. In 2020, the Golden State had over 30 million new vehicle registrations. The national median was only 4 million.”
Disclaimer: Johnna is long Tesla.
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