In an email sent by Tesla, shareholders were told they had 24 hours left to participate in Tesla’s 2022 Annual Meeting Q&A.
A screenshot of Tesla’s email was sent to us by a shareholder. Shareholders have until tomorrow at 4:00 pm Eastern Standard Time to ask and upvote their questions to Tesla.
Once the shareholder voting session is completed, Tesla’s leadership team, including CEO Elon Musk, will participate in a Q&A session with shareholders. Although many questions have been ranked, Tesla is still encouraging shareholders to ask their questions.
Top Questions for Tesla so far
This morning we shared the top 15 questions that Tesla investors would like Tesla to answer at the Cyber Roundup. However, some of those have changed just a bit.
You can see the previous top 15 questions here.
The current top five questions remain the same as the list written this morning. The changes begin with number six which was ranked #10 on the previous list.
The current top 10 questions at the time of this writing are:
- How does Tesla intend to utilize cash in the coming few years? Will Tesla increase capex, share buybacks, dividends, or acquisitions?
- How many factories are necessary to achieve long-term target of 20 million vehicles per year?
- When the Cybertruck pricing is released, will all who ordered before it was taken down be grandfathered in, or have to reconfigure? When will pricing be released?
- How is Tesla viewing the geopolitical risk between the US and China?
- What is the real estate strategy for superchargers and Tesla restaurant locations across the US?
- When will 4680 output match your original yield and velocity (daily output) targets?
- With peak inflation behind us, are you now seeing recession as a challenge sometime in 2023? If yes, beyond layoff how is Tesla is preparing for it?
- Is the new Master Plan ready? What will Tesla focus on for the next 5 to 10 years?
- When will the Semi be available?
- What impacts will the upcoming EV tax credit for 2023 have on the demand and pricing of Tesla vehicles?
One question I found interesting was related to the Dojo computer that Tesla is building. Personally, I don’t think Elon Musk or any of the leadership team would answer that since AI Day is next month.
I find it interesting since I attended AI Day last year and am hoping that Tesla will invite me again this year. I’m excited to see what updates Tesla’s team has to share on AI Day.
Disclaimer: Johnna is a partial Tesla shareholder with under 1 share currently. She plans on buying more and supports Tesla and its mission.
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