
Tesla Model 3 will cost $900/month suggests survey data, aero wheels surprisingly popular

The results are in from over 100,000 respondents that used the Tesla Model 3 monthly cost calculator by Ben Sullins. Data gleaned from users that estimated their vehicle cost based on paint color, wheel selection, premium upgrades packages, and Autopilot, suggests that the Tesla Model 3 will cost $900 per month on average.

Beyond computing Model 3’s monthly cost from user selected vehicle options, the cost estimator also factors in driving style, one’s daily commute distance, energy costs from charging, as well as insurance and loan terms. The comprehensive analysis by Sullins of Teslanomics provides arguably the most accurate assessment to date on what the average Model 3 buyer might be paying each month to own the vehicle.

The results also reveal some interesting findings on what Model 3 reservation holders are looking to purchase. According to data captured by Teslanomics, nearly 50% of Model 3 buyers will select the color black. 60% will retain the standard Model 3 aero wheels presumably because of its range benefits and cost savings. Though the Tesla community in large objects to the aesthetic appeal of the hubcap-like wheel covering, Model 3 owners that dislike the look have the option to remove the aero wheel covering.

Watch as Sullins talks about other popular Model 3 options and discusses the results of his data analysis. We’ve also highlighted the most popular Tesla Model 3 configurations directly below the video.

Most popular Tesla Model 3 configurations (from 100k+ people who submitted to the Model 3 monthly cost estimator)

  • Color: 50% will choose black
  • Wheels: 60% aero wheels
  • Premium Package: 60% will select
  • Battery: 49% of Model 3 buyers will select the Long Range version
  • Autopilot: 50% do not want Enhanced Autopilot of Full Self-Driving
  • Loan: 75% chose a 60 month loan term, 10% chose a 72 month term
  • Daily commute: ~40 miles (64 kilometers)
Tesla Model 3 will cost $900/month suggests survey data, aero wheels surprisingly popular
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