Following the release of the Not-a-Flamethrower, it was only a matter of time before Elon Musk announced the next merchandise that The Boring Company would offer. Never one to disappoint, Musk stated that the Boring Co. Ice Blaster would be offered sometime before winter.
Elon Musk has actually mentioned the Boring Co. Ice Blaster earlier this year. Back in January, Musk was discussing the Not-a-Flamethrower on his Twitter page when one of his followers asked about the tunneling startup’s future products. During that time the Tesla and SpaceX CEO teased a device he dubbed as a “Freezegun.”
Good thing you didn’t ask about the Freezegun …
— Elon Musk (@elonmusk) January 28, 2018
At this point, it seems safe to say that The Boring Company would indeed make an Ice Blaster sometime later this year. Musk, after all, has garnered a well-deserved reputation for joking about things on Twitter and eventually following up with something real. The Boring Co. Not-a-Flamethrower is the perfect example of this, as Musk first mentioned the device back in December 2017 seemingly as a joke, or at least that’s what it seemed like before the firestarter was released.
In a way, selling an Ice Blaster would not be too difficult for the tunneling startup. The materials needed for a handheld Ice Blaster, after all, are already very similar to the items that The Boring Co. utilized for the Not-a-Flamethrower, such as a tank of propane and an internal trigger mechanism. Considering that liquid propane becomes super cold when it gets dispensed, all the tunneling startup really needs to do is to repurpose the Not-a-Flamethrower by removing its igniter. Once that is complete, the Boring Co. Ice Blaster is as good as done.
This actually makes Elon Musk’s “before winter” timeline more than feasible. The company, after all, only needs to manufacture another batch of modified Not-a-Flamethrowers to release its next product. Pricing for the icy device has not been announced, but it’s possible that the TBC Ice Blaster would be priced at around the same range as its fiery counterpart.
☑️ flamethrower
☑️ roasted marshmallowsthanks @elonmusk
— Brownies & Lemonade (@TeamBandL) June 9, 2018
The Boring Company’s pickup party for the first 1,000 Not-a-Flamethrowers on Saturday appeared to be a success. Based on images posted by Musk of the event, it seems like Not-a-Flamethrower reservation holders were had a grand time. One buyer, Frank Ippolito, even noted that since he bought the Not-a-Flamethrower, he was going to donate $1,000 to the California Wildfire Relief Fund. Responding to the Not-a-Flamethrower buyer, Musk stated that the Boring Company would be donating $10,000 to the CWRF.
The Boring Company Not-a-Flamethrower was priced at $500 per piece, and it quickly proved to be an overwhelming success. The device sold out within four days, raising $10 million during its limited run. The Not-a-Flamethrower attracted its own set of critics, however, such as LA Assemblyman Miguel Santiago (D-Los Angeles), who attempted to file a bill that would restrict the public’s access to flame-making devices. As we noted in a previous report, however, Santiago’s efforts ended up being held at the Assembly Appropriations Committee, ultimately becoming a victim of the state’s “suspense file” process.
For now, however, here’s an unboxing video of the Boring Company’s Not-a-Flamethrower, courtesy of Tesla owner-YouTuber and hypermiler that managed to squeeze 606 miles of range from a Model 3, Erik Strait.