It is no secret that Tesla is expected to dominate 2021’s electric vehicle market as the company begins to show it has the robust nature it takes to grow in such a competitive market. After delivering just shy of 500,000 vehicles, according to its own Shareholder Deck via its Investor Relations website, Tesla is poised to increase that number even more this year, especially as two new Gigafactories are expected to take shape and begin rolling out EVs later this year.
Tesla’s undeniable dominance in the EV sector has been accredited to several things: hard work, strategy, luck, and seeing that EVs would be the future well before anyone really knew. Tesla has truly caused an entire industry to rethink its future strategies regarding the development of its products. Instead of slight revisions to an ICE model that has been in production for 40 years, automakers are scrapping the old-faithful vehicles that once ruled production processes for all-electric cars that are supplying the world’s brightest engineers and manufacturing experts with constant headaches.
But past the overwhelming importance for automakers to adopt EV strategies moving forward, 2021 will likely be a “make or break” year for some of the biggest names in vehicle production. While there are undoubtedly going to be winners who will join Tesla on the upward trend toward EV adoption, there are others that will fade away. Unfortunately, there is no way to look into the future and see who will win and who will lose, but the writing that currently appears on the wall will tell many investors of the EV movement who is making a commendable effort of trying to adopt new strategies and move toward sustainable transport. However, others are still stuck with the notion that there is time. However, the longer these companies wait, the further the lead will be for Tesla, who once sat in the shadows of automotive legacy, waiting for its chance to pounce.

Credit: teslaphotographer/Instagram
Deutsche Bank analyst Emmanuel Rosner upped his price target on Tesla stock on Thursday from $705 to $890, The Street reported. After already upgrading Tesla’s outlook once in 2021, Rosner is still convinced of the automaker’s dominance moving forward, looking at 2021 as the year of the EV.
But it’s not all bright-eyed and bushy-tailed for Rosner because he believes that some automakers will eventually phase themselves out of the race to EV dominance. Although nearly every company in the world that makes cars has mentioned a possible adoption to electric transport, there are still some that sit with very vague plans. Interestingly, these companies claim that Tesla will eventually fall and that scalability and software will only last so long. Sure, but Tesla has software nearly perfected, while some of the most robust and refined companies in the world are still stuck with head-scratching as their only outlet to vent their frustration.
Rosner’s note says that 2021 “should indeed see a material acceleration of electric vehicle roll-outs, and provide much clarity on winners and losers from electrification.” It’s true. We will see more EV plans this year than ever before. Companies like Rivian and Lucid plan to launch their first deliveries later this year, Tesla will be opening Giga Berlin and Giga Texas, only increasing production outputs from the automaker, and Ford will eventually begin rolling out Mach-E models after an unexpected delay of hundreds of models. But as most of us know, there is a fine line between launching a product and launching a product successfully.
What will 2021 entail for the EV sector? Mostly good things if you believe that President Joe Biden will replace an emphasis on climate control and pollution reduction. The President reactivated the U.S.’ inclusion in the Paris Agreement yesterday, a move that will excite many of the environmentalists out there. EVs undoubtedly contribute to a cleaner world, but can automakers contribute to the global transition to sustainable passenger transport? Who will win and who will lose?
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