The Boring Company, Elon Musk’s tunneling startup, recently announced the start of its 2023 Not-A-Boring Competition. The competition showcases the most promising student-led engineering teams from around the world. This year’s five finalists hail from four different countries, demonstrating the global reach of the challenge.
The finalists include CU Hyperloop, Swissloop Tunneling, The Diggeridoos, TUM Boring, and Warwick Boring. The Boring Company highlighted these teams on their official Twitter account. “The 2023 Not-A-Boring Tunneling Competition has begun! Good luck to the 5 student-team finalists (from 4 countries): CU Hyperloop, Swissloop Tunneling, The Diggeridoos, TUM Boring, and Warwick Boring,” TBC wrote.
Although TBC’s website does not currently have a dedicated page for the 2023 contest, the competition’s 2022-2023 abbreviated rules and requirements offer valuable insight into the expectations for this year’s competition. The document describes how The Boring Company’s inaugural 2021 event prompted engineering teams worldwide to develop innovative tunneling machines.
As noted in the 2022-2023 document, the Not-A-Boring Competition is hosted at The Boring Company’s Texas factory, and participating teams are tasked to design, build, and race their tunneling machines. Contestants will be evaluated in four categories: (1) the fastest tunnel completion, (2) innovative design, build, and/or test, (3) the most accurate tunnel, and (4) the tunnel with the tightest turn.
In addition to devising their tunnel boring machine and launch structure, teams must provide and adhere to a predicted tunnel path and oversee their digging machines’ operation and control.
Despite its relative youth, The Boring Company is already making significant strides in its projects, as evidenced by its Loop system’s adoption in Las Vegas, Nevada. The startup operates the Las Vegas Convention Center Loop and has begun work on the larger Vegas Loop, which will ultimately connect several key locations within the city.
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