
Join Leyla and I for Beach Clean Up Day at Fort Funston, San Francisco

Every weekend, Leyla and I go to a dog park called Fort Funston, one of the best coastal dog parks in California. Leyla loves to run on the beach, and along the shoreline.

Our first experiences with taking in the majestic seascape of Fort Funston was met with a sense of tranquility, purpose, and … sadness. Repeatedly, we would come across hundreds of dead jellyfish washed ashore. And repeatedly, the same thoughts would come to mind. What could be the reason for this? Toxic water? Warmer water? Ocean currents?

Over the months, Leyla and I stumbled upon the carcass of an entire whale, dead sea lions, and dead birds. One time I was lucky enough to rescue a malnourished bird that was clinging onto its last hope for life by rushing it to a bird sanctuary. Caretakers at the sanctuary told me the birds are starving to death due to warmer waters that lead to fish swimming to greater depths to remain cooler. A depth that birds can’t reach. Unfortunately, the change in mother nature’s balance is a sad reality that is becoming more and more common.

Walking along this beach, we see the impact of human life. Mostly, plastic bottles, tires, and dog waste in plastic bags. If you look closely at the trash, sometimes you can spot something from across the globe. This horrific realization is also a reminder of how connected we all are. We are all sharing the same resources. I believe we can all make a significant impact if everyone on earth practiced adopting stranded trash. Imagine if everyone just stopped using plastic water bottles. If we all realized what our true cost of convenience is and the impact it will have on everyone else.

These thoughts run through my head every time we are running along the coast. I’ve never organized a birthday, let alone an event, but I feel like that is an easy excuse to hide behind. I just want to invite everyone in the community to come out, feel the beach, appreciate the beach, and nurture the earth as it was intended to be.

On Saturday, May 4th, 2019, I invite you to come out and join Leyla and I, in an effort to connect with nature and nurture it. Mark your calendars and join me on Beach Clean Up Day at Fort Funston.

Beach Clean Up Day

  • Date: Saturday, May 4, 2019
  • Location: Fort Funston Rd, San Francisco, CA 94132
  • Time: 10am-12pm
  • Meeting place: At the end of the main parking – by the observation deck and stairs to the beach.
  • Details: Expect to pick up small and large pieces of litter. Gloves and bags will be provided. Note that the only restrooms are port-a-potties next to the main parking lot.

To participate, please sign up at

Join Leyla and I for Beach Clean Up Day at Fort Funston, San Francisco
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