Tesla owners, shareholders and enthusiasts from around the world gather in Antwerp, Belgium today for the first annual Tesla World conference organized by fan club, Tesla Club Belgium.
The conference aims to encourage people to take on a new sustainable way of life through demonstration of products, services, and above all, through inspiration. As Tesla World tells it,
Tesla World gives you a glance at driving, working and living in the future. Participants immerse themselves completely in a world of innovation and engagement … [and] proves that a different approach is possible, through the rEVolution. Tesla World and peers are on the move towards a brighter, cleaner future …
The 2-day conference will see some of the green community’s most influential veterans: Gunter Pauli, author of the famed Blue Economy; Model S owner Bjørn Nyland of YouTube notoriety and winner of the first Model X Founder’s Edition; and a list of distinguished speakers.
Although the event is non-affiliated with Tesla Motors, rumor has it that there could be a very special guest from the company dropping by. Watch the event through the following live stream or engage via #TeslaWorld
To all our remote followers & friends, Join us online Friday Sept.25 as of 9am CET http://t.co/oXoH8vtKgV #TeslaWorld pic.twitter.com/kpsBP7nsDw
— Tesla World (@TeslaWorldCOM) September 23, 2015