The performance capabilities of Tesla’s all-wheel drive system powered by dual, independently operated electric motors in the Model S and Model X stretches far beyond its supercar-beating acceleration. It also provides unparalleled traction control and handling in winter conditions. Furthermore, Tesla’s low-mounted battery pack that runs the length of the floorboard gives the vehicle amazing body strength, ensuring that power is transmitted to the ground and not loss due to chassis flex. We’ve seen this in the past when one Model X owner demonstrated the vehicle’s rigidity by driving the all-electric SUV into an uneven, icy ditch.
Veteran Tesla-focused YouTuber Bjørn Nyland decided to take this one step further and put his Model X through its paces by testing it on an official off-road proving ground for truckers. As InsideEVs reports, the location is NAF Trafikksenter Vålerbanen in Norway, a sanctuary for professional truck drivers to come train.
Nyland’s all-wheel drive Model X appears to conquer an initial series of moderate, snowy inclines and descents with relative ease. But when the two-plus-ton heavyweight SUV faces more treacherous terrain in the off-road course, including a log and deep, muddy ruts, that’s when things for the $150,000 Tesla takes a turn for the worse.
Warning: The video you’re about to see isn’t for the faint of heart, especially if you’re an existing Tesla Model X owner.