The Boring Company (TBC) submitted a permit to discharge about 140,000 gallons of wastewater into the Colorado River a few weeks ago. On Tuesday, March 21, the Texas Commission of Environmental Quality (TCEQ) plans to hold a public hearing where community members can voice their thoughts and concerns about TBC’s wastewater disposal request.
A review of The Boring Company’s wastewater disposal permit reads:
“Gapped Bass LLC, 130 Walker Watson Road, Bastrop, Texas 78602, which proposes to operate the FM 1209 Wastewater Treatment Facility, which serves a tunnel boring equipment manufacturing and testing facility with on-site residences, has applied to the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ) for a new permit, Texas Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (TPDES) Permit No. WQ0005397000, to authorize the discharge of treated process wastewater and domestic wastewater at a daily average flow not to exceed 142,500 gallons per day via Outfall 001 and the disposal of process wastewater and domestic wastewater at a daily average flow not exceed 142,500 gallons via surface irrigation of 63 acres of non-public access land. The TCEQ received this application on July 15, 2022.”
TCEQ will hold a meeting at the Hampton Inn in Bastrop on March 21, 2023 at 7:00 p.m. so residents can voice any thoughts or concerns aobut TBC’s wastewater disposal plans. The Boring Company’s neighbors received a notice about the company’s wastewater disposal request a few weeks ago. A few voiced concerns about how much wastewater The Boring Company plans to discharge into the Colorado River.
One resident, Chap Ambrose, has been vocal about his concerns regarding TBC’s environmental impact in Bastrop. Ambrose’s main concern is that TBC will not follow the permit’s terms if it is approved. He also pointed out that the water from the Colorado River is used for recreation, and people drink from it.
“We have a well, and we take baths, and we drink that water every day. So, if there’s a problem, I need to know quickly,” Ambrose told KVUE.
Although, the preliminary review of TBC’s request determined that The Boring Company’s wastewater discharge would not impact the Colorado River’s water quality. Mayor Connie Schroder of Bastrop noted that the City Bastrop prefers wastewater to b treated at plants before disposal.
The Boring Company Wastewater Disposal Permit by Maria Merano on Scribd
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