Autopilot has now been live for over a month. Some 40,000 Autopilot-enabled Teslas are currently on the road and combine for roughly a...
Only a Tesla can inspire me to get to the gym and voluntarily go buy the extra soft toilet paper my husband...
During my early days of researching the Tesla Model S, I had concerns about a number of things that were emerging in the...
Tesla released news last month that its new Roadster battery pack upgrade would use cells manufactured by South Korea-based LG Chem, instead of Panasonic, its long-standing...
The one feature of the much-anticipated Autopilot update that perhaps gets the least attention is Autopark. If you live in NYC and are...
Tesla's Autopilot has caught federal regulators by surprise. But while they rush to catch up, the company is readying for more features...
Should autonomous driving algorithms take ethical considerations into account? Yes, say researchers in a new study and the MIT Technology Review.
Bjørn Nyland of Norway has won the Tesla Model S referral contest. He wins a Founder Series Model X, a Tesla PowerWall...
Part of my justification for purchasing a Tesla Model S was because my daily driver an Acura MDX SUV was at 190,000 miles and was soon...
Unbeknownst to many, Tesla Autopilot isn’t just about automatic lane changes and driving hands-free. Rather, it’s an entire suite of features that...
Following a week of overblown Autopilot ‘fail’ videos making its way through media, Tesla CEO Elon Musk takes to Twitter to announce that an...
Elon Musk has tweeted that the download of the Version 7.0 update with Autopilot may be delayed several weeks in Europe and...
With Tesla’s v7.0 finally upon us there’s been no shortage of look at me driving with no hands type videos, and even videos...
Tesla will use cloud technology to create the most accurate digital road maps ever made to make true autonomous driving possible in...
Tesla Version 7 introduces an ‘Autopark’ feature as part of the Autopilot suite which will allow the Model S (and Model X) to...
Tesla’s first foray into the world of self-driving and semi-autonomous transportation will surely bring about an entirely new perspective on driving – hands-free...
See images from Tesla’s Autopilot Press Kit below. Quoted from @DanielSparks On whether Autopilot 7.0 will recognize Stop Signs and Red Lights Elon:...
Tesla’s basic warranty for the Model S covers 50,000 miles or 4 years, whichever comes first. Once that point is reached, you...
Elon Musk confirms Tesla Version 7.0 with Autopilot will be released this Thursday, October 15 Brightening the day for Tesla owners across...
If you’re an owner of a Model S, chances are you’ve been waiting anxiously for Tesla’s upcoming firmware 7.0 update which promises Autopilot capabilities along...