Tesla is working on an automatic charger that plugs itself in and then, just as creepily, unplugs itself when charging is complete and ready for the next vehicle. Looking very much like a cobra being enticed from its lair by a snake charmer, the automatic charger is slightly unsettling to watch in action.
Now that Superchargers with liquid cooled charging cords are here, an automatic charger is the next logical step for Tesla. No more handling bulky cords that can be cantankerous, especially in cold weather. No more worrying about a dirty cord ruining your best golf shirt. The Tesla automatic charger just goes about its business quickly and quietly.
Still a little before its time, wireless charging technology certainly has the potential to become the de-facto charging standard in the future. But for now, its low current capabilities is only good for overnight home charging or in situations where one only needs to “top off” with a few extra miles of range when milling around town.
Perhaps someday, wireless charging will be routine. But until then, the Tesla automatic charger will be the next best thing. The video was posted by Tesla Motors on August 6. The company has not said anything official about when automatic charging may be coming to a Supercharger location near you.